Our clients and partners:



The first step in our restoration journey is having an in-depth understanding of the land we’re working with. What native species live here? What is causing ecosystem imbalances? What are potential risks and safety hazards, both to the local ecosystem and to the humans living and working here? 

Our qualifications include, but are not limited to …

-Vegetation inventories, including rare and endangered species
-Soil Mapping
-Danger/Wildlife Tree Assessment


Our team provides all steps of Integrated Plant Management for Federal, Provincial, Municipal, and First Nations’ invasive/noxious vegetation projects. From project development to post-treatment surveys, our decades of experience will insure a restoration projects’ thoroughness, safety, and efficiency. We also strive to reduce the use of pesticides and believe in the the sanctity of our natural areas and protecting them as such.


At Oak Environmental, our greatest joy is to help damaged ecosystems return to what they once were. From custom soil remediation,native hydroseed blends to caliper sized trees, we excel in planning and installing restoration projects all over southern BC.


We provide certification instruction for various IPM programs including Landscape General, Industrial Vegetation/Noxious Weeds and Forestry Applicator certificates. Over the years, we’ve provided training for : District of Saanich, City of Chilliwack, Town of Sidney, District of North Saanich and Cowichan Valley School District as well as many private companies. If interested: please contact us to book a course.


How can we help you?
